About Us

In 2008, a trail runner named Bernadette Benson moved from Canada to Perth and began exploring. Over the years, she became more and more curious about her sightings of plain yellow faded triangles high up on trees throughout the forest. In some sections, diamond-shaped signs, peeling, read "KATTAMORDA." In June 2017, Bernadette began piecing together the trail, which had fallen into disuse. Some sections, though beautiful, had completely grown over from lack of maintenance.

Kattamorda Diamond Marker

In 2018, Bernadette registered the Friends of KattaMorda (Friends of KMHT) group and began collaborating with DBCA on reviving this precious point-to-point trail. Although much labour was put in to clear several sections of trail, progress was slow. In early 2020, Friends of KMHT held their first meeting, where needs were defined and roles assigned, so significant progress could take place. By late 2020, most of the trail was remarked. The realignments around Mount Gungin took time, as many stakeholders were involved, but in December 2022, the trail was completed by several passionate volunteers from our small group.

Trail maintenance and rubbish collection are our primary aims at this time, but we will be looking to continue to improve the trail over coming years.

.June Maintenance Day